I was listening to a popular country group (Sugarland) tonight. Their song, "Take Me As I Am" has become my new anthem. I am beginning a new stage in my life in so many areas. I'm an empty-nester, going back to college and trying to launch a new writing career. So I needed a new anthem.
I've been stuck in a way of life that stifled me. I always felt like I had to live up to some one else's expectations. And I never measure up. What I've realized is that it doesn't matter what I do, I will never measure up in those people's eyes. So why not step out and be who I am? It's about damn time!
In the song the chorus says, "If you want me, come and get me but understand, you take me as I am!" Isn't that fucking awesome?? I love it! If you want me you have to take the crazy too...and yes, I am crazy. I've recently learned to embrace that fact. We all have our crazy, some of us are just better at hiding it than others. Come on. You know who you are! That song has freed me to be who I really am, the me inside that no one ever sees. I have to accept myself before I can expect others to do so.
As soon as I embraced this I began writing like I never have before. I've been putting together so many stories and story ideas. It's amazing really. I've given myself permission to be me and to enjoy doing so. In that there is tremendous freedom and peace of mind!
Here's the song. It's actually a montage of all of Sugarland's videos but it had the best sound.
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