Holy Shit!! I've been up all night. A full night writing. I made phenomenal progress too. I wrote two stories for Alison Tyler's "Boat story" contest. Now I have to choose one to submit (or do I?). I also wrote the rough draft of the "Purple" showcase story for Alison. I started another story for an anthology due Aug. 15. And, I wrote the rough draft for yet another story for a different anthology due Aug. 1!! I haven't had a writing frenzy like this in....ever!! Alison Tyler you fucking rock as an inspiration. Truly! Now is the hard part. The revisions. That's the longer, harder work. (oooh, I like the sound of that) All this writing about sucking and fucking has made me tired but horny as hell!! What do do, what to do?? Husband is at work. Hmmm, three choices as I see it:
1) Keep writing
2) Go to sleep
3) Get out my purple battery-powered friend!
I'm leaning toward number 3! And, yes, Alison Tyler, my battery-powered friend is really purple. G'nite all (or good morning, whichever applies).
P.S. After I originally wrote this, I was up even longer writing two more stories! So, here I sit at the computer. I didn't get out my purple friend after all.