Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Coming Out

This is new territory for me. Not the erotica part; secretly I've always been a dirty little girl. It started when I was a child sneaking peaks at my dad's "girlie" magazines. I've always loved sex. I have been reading romance novels ever since junior high school when I found one of my mom's books. So, being around it and loving it is not new to me. Writing about it is.

As I started writing fiction it dawned on me that I can be whoever I want to be on paper. I can live out my fantasies every time I pick up pen and put it to paper. The more I wrote and got into reading popular erotica, the more I was drawn to it. I want to make other people feel the way I feel when I read anything by Alison Tyler or Rachel Kramer Bussel. I want to create those worlds that I'll never be able to visit in the tangible world.

Hence, this blog is born. My first trek into writing about all things sex. Yesterday I timidly tested the waters when I sent my first erotic piece to a contest. "Virgin No More" is true in more ways than one. The narcissist in me wants to see how it's doing, but the chickenshit in me is, well, chicken shit! Anyway, this is my coming out of sorts. It's scary but oh so fucking exciting!!


1 comment:

  1. Best of luck to you with your erotica writing career. :-) I love discovering new writers and I hope to see your words in print soon!
