And, loving it! I'm not usually one to like being alone. The husband works 3rd shift so I've adapted my own schedule to his. I can't sleep when he's not here anyway so why waste the time on mindless tv. Do you know that we have over a hundred channels and there is hardly anything on, fucking ever!! Back to being alone. My son has moved back home. I know it's hard on him, I've been there. But, oh hell, I forgot how much attention he needs when he's here! And, noisy!!! It's Friday night and he's gone til tomorrow. *Takes deep breath and relishes in the silence*
I can spread out my work on the table and not worry about who will be coming in the door. I can put on my favorite comfy clothes, you know the ones you wouldn't be caught dead in outside of your house or even by your own family! Yeah, I've got 'em on. Listening to some Heart and singing with the headphones on--guess what, the dog doesn't care! Later, after I've finished my work for the evening, I'm going to get out my favorite movies--yeah, the ones tucked away in the bottom of my drawer. I deserve a reward, right??
Alison Tyler put this on her blog today. I had to have it for mine. How fucking beautiful is Daniel Craig?? (And, btw, he is my favorite Bond besides Sean Connery.) Man Candy, indeed! Back to work so I can play later. Hi ho...
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