I am prone to migraines. I know the signs and am prepared to take action. How fucking fair is it when the signs hit while you're sleeping and you wake up with the damn thing? I woke up with it but still had to go to the office, boss away on emergency. I had to work through a year of deposit receipts, compiling them and squinting at the calculator! By the end of the day, I was hoping to fucking throw up already! After several gallons, not really, of diet coke and a handful of meds, I am feeling better. The blurred vision is even clearing up. I fucking hate headaches, migraines even worse.
Now I'm a whole day behind on my writing. Deadlines loom in the distance. I've got books to read, reviews to write and, oh, did I mention my house is a complete wreck? That's just one evening of lying in bed, mind you---and I don't have children at home! I'm off to try to salvage some of my night. I write all night long...no phone calls, no interruptions, no husband needing attention. I have a few good hours left.
Oh, and I just received two more calls for submission in my mailbox! The life of a writer...I LOVE it!!
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